Golden Spine 9 Qigong



Golden Spine 9 Qigong is a contemporary movement system.

The form is developed by Blue MarsdenHay House author, founder of the Holistic Healing College and the London School of Qigong.

The Golden Spine 9 Qigong is based on ancient, Chinese martial arts forms, inspired by the Soul Plan system and deeper meanings of its energies and vibrations. Learn more about the background of the Golden Spine 9 here. 

In general, practising The Golden Spine 9 strengthens your core, back and spine. 

You learn 9 basic, grounding movements in class.

Our spine is the most important part of our body.  Our spine keeps us upright, stand up, and it protects our spinal cord.

The spinal cord is a column of nerves connecting our brain with the rest of our body so you can control your movements.

Golden Spine 9 focuses on freeing your spine, concentrates on making space in between your vertebrates, resulting in flexibility, and lightness. 

With regular practice, you can gain physical strength, emotional resilience, and further develop your spirituality. 
Practising the Golden Spine 9 Qigong regularly helps you to ground, identify/recognise your boundaries, how to maintain them, and helps you to become more aware of what is going on in your body and mind.


Benefits include;
  • longevity;
  • rejuvenation; 
  • posture improvement;
  • strengthens your back and core;
  • improving functioning of your digestive organs;
  • clearing energy blockages in your hips;
  • encouraging and stimulating the body to want to move more throughout the day;
  • preparation for meditation;
  • getting your energy flowing.


Go to Courses and Classes for next Golden Spine 9 Qigong courses.

You can also choose to have private sessions. Read more here.


Anyone can join these classes whether you are a complete beginner or a more advanced student of internal martial arts.
You don't have to have practised Qigong form before to join these classes / sessions

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